Saturday, February 9, 2008


Our little Eric has four teeth now!!! Two on the top and two on the bottom. This is the only picture in which you can barely see the four of them (if you click on the picture to make it bigger you can actually see them). I thought I would share it with you guys since most of you haven't seen him with any teeth at all. I can't believe how much he's growing and how fast time has gone by. He'll be a year old in a couple of weeks, I just can't believe it!!!.


Jessica Sandberg said...

Encontre tu blog por medio del de Kathy. Que loco que vives en Dubai-muy exotico. Tus bebes estan preciosos! Felicidades. Hay que definitivamente mantenernos en contacto, sale? Saludos a Justino dales besitos a tus nenes.

Moore Family said...

What a cute little boy. Really you guys have beautiful babies. You must keep going until you get a little girl!

The Larrabees said...

Que grandes que estan tus ninos! Tienes razon en que el tiempo se pasa rapidisimo, no cabe duda que hay que disfrutarlos a cada minuto.
Un beso grande, cuidate mucho y seguimos en contacto

LAURA said...

He's so handsome, just like Alan. I can't believe he's a year old either. Here's my blog address aline:

susana kidd said...

Que onda? que tal como estas? que milagro no? yo igual que Jessica por medio de Kathy encontre tu blog. Oye, quien iba a imaginarse que vivirias alla no? me tienes que contar (cuando puedas claro)como es el vivir alla ( ya sabes yo muy Int'l studies major me encantaria saber y aprender de Dubai)y por supuesto saber como te ha ido por que hace anios que no sabia nada de ti. De Arely uno que otro email nos seguimos mandando. De verdad me dio gusto encontrar tu blog y saber de ti. Este es mi blog
saludos a Justino, cuidense!