Sunday, May 11, 2008

Back in the U.S.

We're so excited to be back for the summer!!! The kids and I came back on April 12, and we've been incredible busy ever since, that's why I haven't posted anything for a while. We took a 15 hour straight flight to Atlanta and we stayed there with Justin's parents for a few days. After that we flew to my parents in Illinois and we were getting over the jet lag and planning the last details for my sister's (Viviane) wedding for a couple of weeks.
The wedding was in Orlando, so we got there a few days before the wedding so that we could go to Disney World (our favorite place in the world). Justin came to Orlando as well and it was so nice to be with him even if it was only for a week. It was so much fun to be there with the kids and all the family. I still haven't figured out how to get my pictures into my parents computer, but hopefully by tomorrow I'll be able to. Hopefully we'll have some fun pictures to post.


Yamile said...

Aline, que bueno que estas aca!!! Estas pensando venir a Utah? Nosotros vamos a estar aca hasta el principio de Junio y volvemos al final de Julio. Jeff esta trabajando en Virginia y nos vamos con el.
Ojala pudiera verte este ano. Besos y que disfrutes tu verano!!! Felicidades a tu hermana!!!!

Cynthia said...

Aline!!! me FASCINA leer tu blog! :) asi que estan en Illinois por el verano o que onda? Cuentame de la boda de Viviane. Ya se caso verdad? no puedo CREER que rapido pasa el tiempo. bueno, dime como te puedo llamar para platicar, ok? te quiero mucho

Moore Family said...

I wondered where you were and if you went to Mexico or were in the US. Sounds like so much fun and I can't believe your little sister is getting, she seems so young. I think she is the same age as my little sis...21? right?
I can't wait to see the pictures, we too love Disney and hope to take the kids again soon. I think Bess would die over the princesses.
Glad you're still alive and hopefully Justin survives without you all home.

Johnson Family ~ Familia Johnson said...

Hola Aline :)
Que gusto saber que estan de regreso por aca... ojala podamos vernos pronto :)

LAURA said...

Can't wait to see the pictures!